About us

Manaslecas.lv is more than just an online shop for contact lens wearers. We are proud of our partners: optical shop "Lonija", "Outlet Optics" and shops "Metropole" – or nearly 80 professionals throughout Latvia - optometrists, eye doctors, customer consultants and other experts working in this industry and developing a successful optics business in order to help to see the world better!

Our story

This is how it started: When we just had dreamed of the idea of creating an online shop for contact lens wearers, we asked to 100 lens wearers if they would be willing to purchase their contact lenses online?
And guess what the answer of all 100 people was? A 100% strict NO! We don’t even know why we didn’t stop of dreaming of this idea, but today we can definitely say that creating Manaslecas.lv was the best decision we had ever made!

This will sound big, but ... Currently Manaslecas.lv is the largest contact lens trader in Latvia, for the last two years we have been awarded as the best online shop in Latvia (Labsserviss.lv). Every day more than 10 000 people are using Manaslecas.lv not only in Latvia but now also in England, Spain, Sweden, Ireland and can you imagine – even Malaysia! :)

... and more. Now we can definitely say that we are more than just an online shop for lens wearers, because we have discovered the contact lens center - Manaslecas.lv A'telpa where your eyes can not only relax, but also be checked with the best quality vision screening equipment in Baltic States. We can officially confirm that there are working the best optometrists of the newest generation at our A’telpa!

Enough bragging now, because soon you will be sure that we are even better than it is written here ;)

Our team

Every day there are more of us taking care of your eyes. It seems that your order is being processed by only one customer consultant, but in reality we are much more than that; look and count

Mārtiņš Kossovičs

Co-owner and a person - marketing

“I am here so you could find out everything that is happening with us! The most lucrative
campaigns, the newest products and all the interesting things that go on in the store or the
office of Manaslecas.lv - I am ready to be the first one to inform you about that all!
I do not agree the opinion that internet is impersonal... The other way round, it allows to save
time and to get in touch faster! I feel very satisfied if a news item I tell the world can make to
understand, cheer up, support or excite curiosity!
The mobile application of Manaslecas.lv created for smart phones and helps us to be even
more reachable makes me particularly proud. Furthermore I am fatal opponent to routine
and this belief helps me to think of more and more new and creative things to surprise “Our
people”, meaning our clients. See you as usual: @manaslecas_lv! :)”

Jānis Kossovičs

The creator

Jānis is a person that can be characterised by one word - charm. And for charming everyone
he is ready to learn everything in this life. Until now he has learnt to give a bad time to
synthesizer and to buy some bright things such as a bright blue organizer. However, who
knows, might be that one day, when he grows up, Jānis would be a pianist. Jānis is also a
person who is a great boss because he can lead and rule maintaining lightness in himself
and people around him, as well as he is a friend to everyone although his best friend is mini-
me or Jānis from cardboard.

Vita Gumbina

Sarmīte Gžibovska

The optometrist

Keita Muzikante-Spēlmane

Client consultant

Aļona Anufrijeva

Krista Eigusa

Sanita Puzānova

Client consultant

Others about us

Customer feedback

Thank you!

Manaslecas.lv cheers for their employees and OURS clients
as we are awarded as the best online shop in 2012
for the second year in a row on a campaign LabsServiss.lv!

Thanks to Ours! ;)

For the second year, you surprise us. It is thanks to you OURS client, we are
again recognized as the best online store in Latvia. Now, we want to say so much
THANK YOU for so many praises. We will Continue to do our best!!!

We care

Mēs neesam aktīvi sponsorētāji, bet, ja kaut ko darām, tad no sirds. Šobrīd esam atbalstījuši četrus lieliskus projektus:

Manaslecas.lv is proud about it`s volleyball team

We love sportsmen! And even more we love sportsmen who love us. :) We are delighted to announce that we love the girls of the volleyball team “Ažur” entirely officially! They are real fighters like every sportsman and this year they have won the right to play in the Division A - to play against the most powerful teams.

Let’s think about it - how many companies can take pride in their sports team? Manaslecas.lv can do that! ... And be proud about one of the most womanish volleyball teams in Latvia and probably even in the whole world! We love eyes and volleyball therefore we invite you to join us in the first lines of spectators when “Ažur” plays its game ;) 

Rādīt visu Paslēpt visu

We helped to release
Imants Daksis CD

Imants tells about himself that he is a musician, a poet, a founder of screaming folk, acoustic techno and shamanic pop music.

One day his team turned to us for help to publish his album “Elpo, bērns!” (“Breath, child!”). We were attracted by Imants’s creativity and oddness therefore Manaslecas.lv rasponded.

We advise that if you have some mini music player, earphones then take them with you in the woods while picking up cowberries and listen to Imants Daksis. We do recommend it ;)

Rādīt visu Paslēpt visu

We collect money for Strazdumuiza

visually impaired children

It is so nice to live in illusions, to set new more and more ambitious aims. But then here comes the day when you want to stop and to ask yourself - for what am I doing all this? In those moments it is time to think over and find out the wish to help not only to yourself and your loved ones but also to the fellow people... To those who are not approaching with their arms begging for help but instead are learning, running, fooling around and smiling every day.

Manaslecas.lv and all Our customers helped visually impaired children in the residential secondary school Strazdumuiza to get acquainted with the world bu dotanig 9720.50 lats! Let`s do more good together!

Rādīt visu Paslēpt visu

We support a young
Latvian Athlete - luge

One day we received an e-mail from Karlis Kriss Matuzels. He is a boy from Murjani village in Vidzeme. The rhythm of his life is dictated by winter, ice and speed.

The promising young man wished that Manaslecas.lv helped him to fulfil his dream - to become a luger of elite sport class. He asked us to help with things we do the best, and so it started and continues till today - we help Karlis to see everything in better light than it is seen by others.

We keep our fingers crossed and do remember that soon this name will be mentioned by many people: Karlis Kriss Matuzels!!!

Rādīt visu Paslēpt visu

Our Friends

We agree that the saying ‘Show us your friends and I will show you who you are’ is almost completely true, which is why we are boastful that our friends are also our family... Both literally and figuratively.

Literally: all of ourlargest friendsshown down below are a part of a family business. Figuratively: although, the owners of our company are also the owners of theselargest friends, it confirms that friends are not only excellent, but also that we can count on them, recommendand even be proud of. And now about each one of them. Because this You must know– so to say... our friends are also Your friends.






Working hours and contact information of OPTIKA METROPOLE salons can be found here: www.metropoleoptika.lv



Working hours and contact information of METROPOLE OUTLET salons can be found here: www.metropoleoptika.lv


Optikas salonā Lonija

Optical salon Lonija

Riga, Blaumaņa street 30


Zeiss Vision Center


Riga, Lielirbes street 29, shopping center SPICE