Freshlook Colorblends contact lenses

Freshlook Colorblends contact lenses have been discontinued - to find out if the contact lenses of the required diopters and color are still available in the Alcon warehouse, please write to

If you want people around you wouldn’t notice your new eye color, you should choose Freshlook Colorblends contact lenses. "3 in 1" technology developed by Ciba Vision brings together three different designs, made from small, colorful dots, so the eye color looks natural.
Available colors:
• Blue (light blue);
• Green (green);
• Turquoise (greenish-blue);
• Grey (grey)
• Amethyst (purple);
• Pure Hazel (brown);
• True Saphire (blue);
• Brown (dark brown);
• Honey (light brown).


Manufacturer: Alcon (old Ciba Vision)


By purchasing these lenses take into account that colors and effects will depend on your natural eye color and the result may be different with the picture!

Prepayment required


Delivery time 2-4 weeks
Manufacturer Alcon
Wear schedules Daily
Material Phemfilcon A
Water content 55%
DK/L, DK/T 32
Recommended replacement One month
Center thickness, mm 0.05

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